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  • How do I order online?
    To order goods through our online home delivery service, please browse and select your desired products. Once your order is complete and your shopping cart has been submitted, our delivery team will contact you with the final confirmation of order and delivery details.
  • How can I pay for my order?
    Once you have made your order, a bank transfer can be made by using the PayID function on the Bendigo Bank app or website (see video below for instructions). ​ PayID details are: ​ Enter the email above in the PayID section to complete your bank transfer. *Transfers from Bendigo Bank accounts only Credit: Bendigo Bank
  • How much will my delivery cost?
    All delivery orders under $700 are charged a $5 delivery fee. Delivery orders over $700 will be charged with a $30 fee. Please note there is a $50 minimum on all orders. For our Christmas Promotion, we are offering FREE Delivery for any orders over $50!
  • Do you have a minimum order requirement?
    All delivery orders must be a minimum of $50. Pick-up orders do not have a minimum order requirement.
  • When will my order be processed and delivered?
    Orders will be delivered once payment has been processed. Orders are processed from 9am to 6pm on Monday to Saturday. All orders that are made after 5:30pm will be processed on the next day. Orders made before 5:30pm will be delivered on the same day.
  • What information will I need to provide when ordering online?
    Customers must provide all relevant details (Name, phone number, address) at the checkout page before completing their order.
  • Can I keep track of my past orders?
    Absolutely! Simply login to your account on our website. Click on My Orders. You will see all your past transactions.
  • Can I update my account details?
    Yes of course! Simply login to your account and click on: My Account My Wallet My Addresses To edit information on each page. You can update your account information as often as you like.
  • What is required when my order is ready for pick-up?
    Upon pick-up, the noted person(s) must provide their Order Number, Receipt/Payment Confirmation, and a form of Identification (advisably: a Driver’s Licence).
  • Do you require assistance?
    If you require assistance, please contact our hotline number at 5571022
  • Order and Payment Guide
    Please click here for our Order and Payment Guide
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